Sunday, May 30, 2010

There nothing more rewarding....

I’m back from my family visit. I had a great time with my kids. We had two birthday celebration, my grandson (Elias) and his sister (Miss Leandra).

Elias (Grandson)
Birthday celebration May 17th.
Leandra (Granddaughter)
Birthday celebration May 22

We had a barbecue party for them on the weekend. It was a small party, but the kids had a blast. My daughter was having yard work done, so this limited the amount of kids on the invitation list. This week the yard was completed, and the only thing left is to replace the doors. I love what was done with the yard. When they purchased the house, they didn’t know that there was a problem with the drainage system. During heavy rain falls the water would accumulate and it would become almost like a pool, it would get really muddy. The dogs and kids would track in mud, and it was a nightmare. She invested her money into fixing the yard in time for the summer, so the kids are in their glory. She has a nice size yard and it would have been horrible not to be able to enjoy the yard. Now, they picked up a pool and plan to enjoy the Memorial Day in their new backyard.

this is the new yard

this is the old yard

This is my latest card

This the uncut card

I am sorry for the delay on my card posting, but I came home with much needed rest, LOL. Here are the cards that I created. I cut one of two cards. The card that I didn’t cut is similar to the one that I did. It’s for Father’s day. I decide to post it anyway, so if there are any glitches in the cut, please take a moment to let me know. I will be appreciative, if anyone would inform me of any mistakes found.
Happy Memorial Day…
Thanks for stopping by...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grandma's on her way...

Happy Birthday Elias

Happy Birthday Leandra

On Monday, May 17, my Grandson is having a birthday. and come Saturday, May 22, my Granddaughter, Miss Leandra is also celebrating a birthday. So, we will be surprising them
with a birthday visit with all the bells and whistles. I will be taking a birthday cake for Elias and on Saturday, we will have a small birthday party. I can wait to see their expressions. When they get home from school and we're waiting to surprise them. I am excited to see them. Haven't seen them since the beginning of the Year.

I am also going to a baby shower, my niece in law is having a baby.
I am sharing her baby shower card. I hope that you enjoy it and can find
someone to share it with.

I also made a graduation Card

for those who are having graduations this month.

It can also be used for another occasion by replacing the

grad. topper. I also made a matching envelope.


I will try to post again by Sunday, but if I don't

I will be back by May 24.

Thanks for stopping by....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Ladies.....

I want to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day...
I'd like to share this file, as a way of celebrating Motherhood.
Hope you all enjoy your day.
Hugs, Mima


This frame fits in 8 X 10 Landscape.

Silhouettes can be replaced with pictures.

Thanks for stopping by...