Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Finally got a Digi Scrapbook software....

This is what I made with my Digi software. I still have some work and practice, but at least I am headed in the right Digi direction. LOL
Once again, I have to open my vault and post my last year New Year file,

which I updated the file date to 2010.


I also updated this New Year Champagne file with 2010 date.


Sorry, that I didn't have any new files, but I am on my way to spend the New Year with my family. I promised my daughter to spend New Year with her in her new home. I will post, when I return on 3rd. of January. I will be posting birthday cards. My hubby, my great nephew and a friend are having birthdays in January.

Until than have a Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Thank you for another year at the Stomping grounds.....Mima

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last Christmas card plus card file gifts....

Hoping you all have a blessed and Happy Holiday Season...

These are my gift to you...


Hope you enjoy your Christmas gifts (files) surprise...

Thank you for stopping by...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Four Eyes...

I just got back from Virginia. I was helping my daughter move in to her new home. I got a chance to spend some time with my grandchildren. I don't know how many of you remember my granddaughter, Miss Leandra. Well, Miss Leandra says to me: "Grandma, my teacher has four eyes". I said Four eyes, what do you mean four eyes, does she wear glasses. No! replies, Miss Leandra. She says that she can see us from the back of her head. But, Grandma, I looked and I didn't see no eyes in the back of her head. So, where are they. I laughed, and laughed. I said to Miss Leandra, she doesn't have four eyes, she just wants you to think she does, because she has an idea of who's not behaving, when she's not looking. Its just a figure of speech. Well grandma, I know that something was wrong because, I looked really hard at her head and I just could not find those two eyes. From the mouth of babes, or may I say from the mouth of

Miss Leandra...LOL

Here is Miss Leandra showing her gingerbread man (its the one next to her).

She's so proud of her craft.

Here is Miss Leandra in her class.

She's a reindeer and she's going to help Santa guide the presents to her house, because she moved and he may not know where to find her family. LOL

I am posting a reindeer card.

I hope that you like it and can find some use for it.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cards rush....

These are a couple of Christmas card that I made hoping to get them out on time for Christmas.
Trying to help my daughters with her big move and getting back to making my Christmas cards and list, have been cutting it close for me this year.
To make things possible, I guess that money cards are in my list for the kiddies this year.
So, I am passing the shopping responsibility to the parents. I don't want to play Grinch, so I will get my kids to do a little last minute shopping for me.
Hee, Hee, Hee!
This is a Christmas money card, hope you like it.

my next card is:


I made this silver bell card, because while I was cutting,

I heard the song Silver Bells and this is where I came out with the idea. LOL

Hope that you can find someone to send it to.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Card Challenge...

I am posting this Santa Card, but it’s been quite difficult to get me card list out this Holiday. I've been busy with my daughter and her new life style. She has been serving in the US Navy for the last 14 years. She has decided to leave her Navy career and become a Civilian. She has four children and they need their Mom near home. She's done three overseas tours, and with more Military personal need overseas, it’s time to pick between being a hero or being a Mom. Being a mother has over weighed her decision. I am happy with her choice. Dad has been there for the kids and I love him for it. Mom, tried to stick it out to give them everything that she wanted, but right now, Mom is better home with them. Now, Dad can be more of a help working and coming home to his family without the missing puzzle piece, MOM. Children of the ages of 2 yrs. old through 8 yrs. old need a Mother. Well, they become homeowner and I am very happy and most of all proud of them.


This is Santa Claus Card

Angel wreath

Honor Roll 12/01/09

My Grand Son, Elias made the honor roll and this is the reason why Mom is needed at home. We are extremely proud of his accomplishment. I will try to cut some files that I need to test before posting, so please be patient with me. I will also post a couple of my old holiday files. Any request would be nice. I have some on my gallery, so let me know via email.

These are three of four grandchildren

Baby Cassie wasn't feeling Santa at all this day....

This another shoe that I made. I came across this shoe at this site, but it didn't have a file it was a print and cut. I was able to make a file for it. This site shows you how to cut it by hand, but you can also make a cut file for your cutter its not hard. Try it. I also love this shoe pattern. I know if you try it you will also like it.


Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael.....

This Michael Turpin, one of my grand kids,

who is celebrating his ninth Birthday.

In this picture, he is showing off a song that he wrote.

Wow! A song writer in the making .

We are so proud of all his accomplicements.

So, here's to you Michael...Happy Birthday little Dude.

from, Papi and grandma Anna

This is the card that I sent Michael.

I hope that you like it and can also find someone

to share it with. Enjoy...


This is a Christmas card that I made and want to Share.

Hope you like it, Enjoy...
