Monday, September 29, 2008

Guess who's blogging?

I can't believe that this weekend, my daughter gave me a call. Mom, guess what? I created a blog. I was shock, because when I told her that I was creating a blog, she thought that I was tripping. What could you possibly want with a blog. She said, Mom you don't get down like that, what a nerd. I told her that anyone could create a blog. Days later, she start a blog. Thanks Lisa, she's the young lady, who taught me what I needed to know to start blogging. So, now I am passing on what I have learn from Lisa, to my daughter. I am so happy that she's creating her blog. She's in the Navy and I am sure she has a lot to blog about. I mainly wanted to create my blog for my die cuts, cards and my experiences with my grandchildren, who I love so dearly. It may not be the most exciting blog to read, but it means the world to me. For instant, my grandson, is getting glasses and he's look forward to it only because he's going to have a new look. I am glad that he's getting them, because it'll help he's vision. He on the contrary, is looking forward to looking different. These are that things that you see as a grandparent, that you don't notice, when your a parent. I also look forward to my grandson getting his glasses. He'll get them in few more days.

This is my lovely daughter (Doria) in Cypress, during one of her tours over seas.

Well, back to my die cuts. I have done a few more ghoulish but friendly Halloween characters, that I want to share. I love sharing my dies cuts. After I use them, I might as well share them, its better then letting them sit in my computer, until the following year. Even though, I have seen different versions of the same clip art, their never two alike. People see things differently. I've seen some die cuts that are fabulous, and some that have didn't have any time spent on them. Everyone has different taste in what they do or obtain. Its all in the name of fun, as far as I am concerned. Anyway, enjoy my add on's....




  1. It is great that you will be able to read about your grandson now. :) Thanks for sharing your files.

  2. You didn't give us your daughters name, but please let her know that our thoughts and prayers are with her and her and her company. Thank you for all the you do for us here.

