Friday, October 31, 2008

Great Day for a Haunting!

Happy Halloween

Trick or Treat
Smell my feet, give me something good to eat!
Have a safe and spooktacular Day...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Have a safe Halloween!!

Yes, In a few days it'll be Halloween. Make sure that your children are going to have a safe Halloween. If they are going to be out late, please make sure that they have flashlights and or reflector strips or clothes that will reflect their presences. Specially, those children who go out without an adult. Check out the candies, treats, etc. to make sure that they safe to eat. We don't want them to eat small pieces of candy, that can get enlarged in their little throats. As sad as this may sound these little things can cause them not to have a enjoyable evening. I am sure that a lot of you parents, know the do's and don't of this Spooktacular evening. But, a word to the wise is sufficient. Take plenty of pictures and enjoy!

I found a nice background for my granddaughter's Halloween scrapbook page.

She's going to be Princess Jasmine, so I made her a silhouette of an Arabian Kingdom.


As for my baby, I couldn't find any butterfly to fit the occasion. Until I do, I made some Halloween critters.

Which I can add to her picture, but I will continue to search for a picture or cartoon, that I really like. She's dressing as a butterfly and the ones I found would be more suited for Easter or Spring. I want to use a animated butterfly, something funny than the usual butterfly.


Have a Safe Halloween!

Love this time of the year....Booooooo!

Hang in there Patty!

I am happy to announce that Patty had her surgery and did very well. Patty was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had a Mastectomy. She’s going to need Chemo, but as for now, I don’t know how many sessions, she will undergo. Patty be strong and don’t forget to use your support system (family and friends). I am a cancer survivor, and you can always call, email or write, if you need my support. Even if you just want to shot the breeze. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Mima~

This is a Get Well Card that I made for Patty.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Witching hour is getting closer!!!

I see that it's getting close to Halloween and so far, I haven't finish my die cuts for my scrapbook. I just finish one of four die cuts to go with the costumes that the kids are going to wear. I was under the weather, after getting my flu shot. YUCK! That's what I felt like these last few days. I just hope that it'll keep me from getting really sick this year. Last Christmas, I spent it in the Hospital with pneumonia. This year I am trying to play it safe.

My grandson is going to be Indiana Jones, so I made a leather jacket, a fedora and a whip. I hope that it'll look good with his costume.


I also made another witch with a broom. This will be great for decor.


I have to make a vampire (girl), a Jasmine (princess), which is also going to be a mission to do. Then, my baby is going to be a butterfly, which is going to be an easy one, but I want to do something nice, that will be good for a butterfly costume.
So, I will most likely add a few more for Halloween. If not, I will owe it to you. LOL

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gone fishing...

Getting his life jacket on ...

Excited about this new experience

This is the first time the guys (Hubby, Son in law and grandson)went fishing on a boat. My grandson was really excited about this fishing trip. He had never been on a boat before fishing. These were the pictures from that day and also pictures from other fishing days.

One of Elias' best catch that day on the boat...

My son in law (who I call the Bman) for Brian

with his catch of the day...

The little man reeling in his catch...

This is a print and cut that I made for my scrapbook.
This theme gone fishing goes good with this cute bear
who is going fishing. :)

So, get those glue dots ready for this one, LOL.


I hope that next time the girls get a chance to go. Princess Ari. loves to fish, too. Miss Leandra has never been fishing, so it'll be a treat for her. For now this is the only fishing my little princesses will be doing. LOL


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Eye Glasses

Elias sporting his glasses...

The Little man got his Eye Glasses….

On Friday, October 10, 2008, my grandson sent me a picture of his first pair of eye glasses. At first, his mother said, he didn’t really want to get his eye glasses. After, he was fitted for his new glasses; he couldn’t wait to get them. Well, finally the day came for him to pick them up. He was now very excited about wearing eye glasses. As soon as he got in the car, his mother sent this picture via phone of Elias sporting his new specs. I was so happy that he didn’t look awkward in them. I think that it serves the purpose, because he looks smart. Which he is, and this isn’t Just a proud grandma talking. He can’t wait to go to school on Monday, with his new image. Anyway, I made these eye glasses for his scrapbook page. I hope that this GSD, can come in handy for those who are also styling eye glasses for the first time.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting those Halloween cards out!!!

My Cards have been up dated

It's time to get those Halloween cards out. I made Halloween cards for my Grandchildren. They always look forward to my cards, no matter what the occasions is or what they look like. That's what I love about the innocents of children. No matter what, they appreciate anything that Grandma sends them. God bless them. I love when they call me and tell me that they got my cards in the mail. It gives them a sense of belonging, when they to get mail. I hope that you like my cards just as much as my grandchildren will.

I embellished these card with my GSD (Vampire_Trick or Treat)
and enclosed GSD for title topper


I embellish them differently, for each child.



Enclosing Halloween titles for toppers!
Trick or Treat, Spooktacular, Boo! Grrrr..,
and a Frankenstein GSD (picture not enclosed

Hope you enjoy my cards, as much as enjoy sharing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pink Tuesday....

Blessed is He....

On behalf of Patty, my hubby's cousin's wife, who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She will be having a Mastectomy to her right breast this month. The family is showing her support, by wearing pink today. Her sister in law, suggested to do this, to let her know that she's being thought of . I will keep Patty in my prayers, because I know first hand how dramatizing these moments can be. First thing in mind, is death, and this is when you start to loose all hope. There is life after cancer. You have to stay positive no matter what. It's a long journey, but with family support and positive thinking, you can get through it. I had nine hard sessions of Chemo, and there were times, that I wanted to throw in the towel. Thank God and my love ones, I was able to survive it all. Slowly, I started loosing my hair, weight, strength, skin color and hope. Once, I finish with the Chemo, I worried if I had rid myself of cancer. My doctor said; I was cancer free, but I still have issues with abnormal cells. So, what is it, free or not free. I have a good outlook on life, I try to enjoy it to the fullest. I try not to loose my temper and take it one day at a time.
Patty, we love you, be strong. Remember, God is the only way.
With all our blessing..
Felix and Anna~


Monday, October 6, 2008

Calf on Board!!!!

On our way to Virginia

On my way to Virginia from New York City, on a Saturday afternoon, while sitting enjoying the view. We drove behind a u-haul carrying a couple of calves. I was elated, being that I am a city slicker, to see calves being transport to their destination, is not seen often in the city. I quickly took out my camera (never leave home without it), hee hee. As soon as I took the picture of the calf, she just jumped out of the u-haul. We stop our van, we were trying to keep the calf, from going out into the moving traffic. I was in a panic, but my hubby, jump into action and caught the calf. We were able to stop the driver, so he can collect his calf. I was so happy, that this story had a good ending, and no one got hurt. I also got to see the calf up close. :)

Calf making her get away...

Felix rescues the calf from traffic...

My hubby (Felix) held the calf until the driver came for her.

She wanted to continue on her way. LOL

In memory of that cute calf,

I made this die cut to use on my scrapbook....


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A princess in almost every homes!

These are my princesses with their big brother.

Nani with her princess bike.

Just about every household in the United States has a princess.
Well, I like you to meet one of mine. She goes by the nickname, Nani, which she got from Miss Leandra, her little sister. Miss Leandra wasn’t able to say her name, when she was starting to speak. So, from her birth given name, Ariana was change to Nani. That’s why, I call her princess. Nani is 5 years old and is attending Kindergarten. Nani is very girly, girl. Loves pink, sleeps in a princess room. Nothing but vanities, royal chairs, lots of dress-up gowns, jewels and everything that has to do with princesses. Even, when she dresses for school, church and playing out doors, she’s loves, wearing lace, ribbon and anything glittery, shiny and perfumed. Loves grooming herself, bubble baths, nail polish and perfume. Nani also, loves going to the mall with her Mom, she calls it, girl’s day out. Her mother will pick up hair barrettes, bangles, rings, etc., all the things that little girls like. Miss Leandra is looking forward to her time, so that she can hang out with Nani and mom. I love my princesses, all three of them. Nani, Miss Leandra and Baby Cassy are all different, but I love them just the same. My grandson will have his hand full, when these little ladies grow up. Its not easy living with a house filled with young ladies. LOL Well, my blessings to my three princesses, and all those household with princesses.
Long live those princess dreams.

Nani dress like Princess Jasmine.



Nani with all her jewels..

Nani with her Snow White costume, the girls love dressing up like princesses.

Lets not forget Miss Leandra in her Cinderella costume.