Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pink Tuesday....

Blessed is He....

On behalf of Patty, my hubby's cousin's wife, who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She will be having a Mastectomy to her right breast this month. The family is showing her support, by wearing pink today. Her sister in law, suggested to do this, to let her know that she's being thought of . I will keep Patty in my prayers, because I know first hand how dramatizing these moments can be. First thing in mind, is death, and this is when you start to loose all hope. There is life after cancer. You have to stay positive no matter what. It's a long journey, but with family support and positive thinking, you can get through it. I had nine hard sessions of Chemo, and there were times, that I wanted to throw in the towel. Thank God and my love ones, I was able to survive it all. Slowly, I started loosing my hair, weight, strength, skin color and hope. Once, I finish with the Chemo, I worried if I had rid myself of cancer. My doctor said; I was cancer free, but I still have issues with abnormal cells. So, what is it, free or not free. I have a good outlook on life, I try to enjoy it to the fullest. I try not to loose my temper and take it one day at a time.
Patty, we love you, be strong. Remember, God is the only way.
With all our blessing..
Felix and Anna~


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