Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is upon us!!!

As Christmas get Closer, we rush to get those gifts and Christmas cards out on time. With twelve grandchildren, its going to be very exhausting, trying to get their Christmas gift mail out on time. I took advantage of Cyber Monday, and got out as much as possible, even though lots of things were already sold out. Its hard to believe that our country is in a financial bind, and toy sales are off the hook, like they say. I usually, shop early but this year with my car in the repair shop, after it was hit over night, by a city taxi. Yup! A hit and run, with no remorse for us in anyway. With very little to go on, we are facing a large car deductable. So, I wasn't able to take advantage of Black Friday. I hope that I am able to find some toys, when we get our car in a few days.

I was asking my grandson, my Little man (Elias), what he wanted me to put on our Christmas list. He asked, Grandma, are you going to buy it? I quickly reply, no just sending their Christmas lists to the North Pole. Next he asked, is Santa going to buy it? NO! I replied, the Elves are making toys for all the good children. So, if that's so, he said, as gave me a humongous list, that would keep the Elves busy for another year. These are the things I want, because he said that been good. The things that come out of Children mouth, unbelievable. I am trying to keep him and the others, believing in Santa, but he's starting to ask questions on how Christmas gifts come about. I believe that soon, he'll figure out, if hasn't already, that its all commercialized, even though, he knows that Christmas is not only for gift giving, but the birth of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Christmas isn't like, when I was coming up. Everything is commercialized and not religious. Specially, with all the advertising, even on the cartoon channels, they seem to take out the mystery of Santa and Christmas. Children aren't in the dark, like we were. I hope that I can keep up the legacy of Santa and his reindeer's a few more years.
I was able to make some holiday cards, and I will post them, as I cut them. I hope that some of you can benefit from them on WPC or Dxf platform.

Well, twenty two Shopping days before Christmas. Have fun! LOL





I want to Thank Lisa from Risalenee Creations for Cutting out this GSD file for me to post on this blog. She's been an awesome friend and tutor. Thank you, Thank you, Lisa..




  2. Lovely files. Thank you, Mima, for sharing.

    I know what you mean about the commercialization of Christmas. I really want to sit down with my kids BEFORE opening gifts this year and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and read the Christmas story from the Bible.

  3. Thankyou Mima great files and thankyou to Lisa for converting them. Christmas isn't the same anymore far too commercialised
