Saturday, January 3, 2009

Three Kings Day in Puerto Rico, el dia de los Reys Magos

Dia de los Reyes (Day of the Kings)
The Feast of the Three Kings also Known as the Epiphany takes place every year on January 6Th. It is an intricate part of Puerto Rican Folklore. Traditionally, this day is very important, especially for children, for it is on this eve that they will receive their gifts. On the feast of the Epiphany, the Three Kings visited the newly born Christ Child in Bethlehem bearing him gifts. This tradition is repeated and reflected in present day with the belief that on this eve the Three (3) Kings will visit every good child to deliver them gifts. Tradition states that on the Eve of the Epiphany children collect hay, straw or grass and place it in boxes or containers under their beds. This gesture is a gift of food for the kings’ horses while they rest in between deliveries. Note: (we have no Camels in Puerto Rico). If a child is good for the past year he will receive candies, sweets or toys. If the child was misbehaved or naughty he would instead find a lump of dirt or charcoal in his box. This tradition is much older than that of Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve. During the Epiphany (three kings day), there are Carolers, called Parandas, who go house to house playing music and sing songs. Those who are fortunate enough will invite the Paranda in for drinks and food. After a few songs, they continue their journey of sharing good cheer.

Epiphany_3Kings WPC format

Epiphany_3Kings DXF format

Epiphany_3Kings GSD format

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your files. I am enjoying your work. Could you please point me to a link that works for the kings in wpc format?
