Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well Wishes for Susan...

I made a card for my sister in law, who's a teacher and on her way to work got struck by a car. Her car was totalled, thank God that she came out of it alive. She's suffering with lots of body pain, and severe whip lash. She's very dedicate to her students. She's never been able to have children, but God has blessed her with more children than she expected. It's been difficult for her to get around, but she has a very good husband, who takes good care of her. I hope that I am able to give her a little support and happiness with my Well Wishes. This is the time for family to help the best way they can. Anyway, Susan, I pray that you recuperate soon and that you have the strength to endure your pain and discomfort.
Love you always, Felix and Anna

Hope that you can use this card to bring someone joy, when they are not feeling well.


  1. oh mima, hope your sister in law feels better soon, thank god she was so lucky, your card will cheer her up

  2. Sorry to hear about the SIL. Will be thinking of her.

  3. Thank you for experiencing your concers. Your comments were well appreciated. GB, Mima
