Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Ariana!!!

Wow, Princess! How time flies, your already Six years old. I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments. I am so sorry that your under the weather on your special day, but don't worry because you can always celebrate it on the weekend, when you'll be feeling much better. Not every one celebrates their birthday on the day of their birth, so place a little sticky note and put your birthday on hold. You know that I always celebrate all your birthdays together, being that Grandma lives so far away, we always have a fun time, too. So, when Grandma is also feeling better we will get together and make it a big bash. Have a Happy Birthday, Princess! May all your wishes come true.
Most important remember that we love you.

Its been a blessing watching you grow. Here's a big hug and kiss from Grandma and Grandpa.
I am sorry but copyrights didn't allow me to post Ariana's card, but she was very pleased with it.


  1. OH MIMA!!!! She is so precious, those gorgeous eyes!!! Wow, they do grow up so fast, so hold tight!!!

  2. She is growing so quickly and beautiful.

  3. What a beautiful grandaughter Mima an apple in her Grandma's eyes hope she had a good birthday not much fun when your feeling ill i,m sure your card cheered her up and she has her special day with you to look forward too sorry i haven't been over for a while dunno where the days are going so how are you seeing a bit of improvement i hope think the summer colds are just as hard to get rid of than the winter ones so many changes in the weather it's been a dull wet day here today but i'm sitting here roasting a bit like a jacket potato. wishing you a speedy recovery
    hugs Anne xx

  4. mima what a lovely posting brought a tear to my eyes, hope she is feeling better and can enjoy her birthdy gifts, lovely to see the photos,and what a beauty she is turnning into
