Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Jellyfish Encounter...

This weekend my Grandson (Elias), went to Virginia Beach with his family, something that they do quite often being residences of Virginia Beach. While swimming he encountered the tentacles of a Jellyfish that was not visible, but made his presents known. He turned to his Dad with the pain left behind by his encounter. Dad, quickly told him and the girls out of the water. He rinsed the stings on his body, which where on his arm, leg and belly. They drove home which is but 5 minutes from the beach and treated the stings with Vinegar for 15 to 30 minutes. Then took him to the hospital to make sure that the toxins were not detrimental to him. They found that his parents treat it properly and sent him home with some benedril. I spoke to him upon his return home. I reminded him about his first school project, which he had picked Jellyfish as his topic. Who would think that a year later after researching the life and times of the Jellyfish, that he would first hand experience the pain the are inflected by a Jellyfish. This research also had given him and his parents the knowledge on what to do about treating Jellyfish stings. Some stings can be deadly. I am enclosing my scrapbook page that I had done on his first school project
(The Jellyfish).

First School Project

The kids playing at Virginia Beach

Elias @ the beach


  1. Hi Mima
    Ouch hope he has recovered love the scrap page & photos hope his encounter hasn't put him of the sea entirely
    take care
    Anne xx

  2. Great scrapbook page.
    but poor boy hope he is feeling much better now, bet he was sore for awhile

  3. Wow, so glad he wasn't hurt badly!
