Friday, August 7, 2009

One More Unfinished.....

I am slowly finishing some unfinished cards. During the time that my family was growing I had done some new baby cards, but I never got around to finishing this Mom 2 be card. I finally finished it and I wanted to share the results with those of you who are expecting new baby's, that my want a Mom to be card. So here it is. I hope that you like it. I have a few others that I plan to finish, so come back in the near future to check.


I made this Viking card for my Son in law Brian, who is having a birthday at the end of this month. I also want to share it with you. Making cards for males are always a challenge for me. They are hard to decorate, don’t want to make them to flowery. Male species are very sensitive about showing of cards that are in the slightest way feminine. Hope that you like what I created for him and find use for this card.
Thank you for stopping by.

Enjoy….keep those commits coming.

Love to hear from you and what you think.

I want to share this book marker with card that I got from Stampin' IS my job!!
They are really cute if you like to try it out its at
This is my version of the book marker with card. Hope you try it, its lots of funny and the creations are worth it. Thank you Stampin' Is my job! for the tutorial.

Front of card with book marker attached to the corner of card...

This is the card after the corner book marker removed.

Hope that you enjoy this Challenge it was lots of fun...


  1. Hi Mima just a flying visit loving the cards both fab files and a gorgeous bookmark card love the colours
    Anne xx

  2. Hi there, Mima. Love what you have done with both of these cards. And you are so right about the male species being weird about feminine stuff. Hope you are having a great summer! Hugs!
