Monday, September 14, 2009

I will return....

Tommorrow is the big day. I am off to Virginia to see my kids.
I am looking forward to the trip, because I have seen them since May.
I am glad that you stopped by. I have posted a card for those who did.
I hope that you enjoy it.

See you in two weeks.

Front of card

Inside of card....

I'll be back....

These are my Grandkids...

This Cassandra on her way to the Sitters.

Leandra, Ariana and Elias

Their on their way to school (First Day).


  1. Have a great time - your grandkids are beautiful :) xxx

  2. awww how sweet are they there gorgeous Mima have a safe Journey and a great time we'll be here when you return
    super card TFS
    Hugs Anne xx

  3. Enjoy your grandchildren! Any have fun yourself

  4. Hope you have a great time with the family, The krandkids are so cute, have fun

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Halloween post on Oct. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
