Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One year Blogoversary!!

On Sept. 8, 2008. was when I first posted on my blog. I posted a tribute to 911. I wanted to once again post in memory for those lost in the World Trade Center. A prayer goes out to the families and friends, of all who are still afflicted by their lost. I am a native New Yorker and it's still fresh in my mind. We must never forget, so that history doesn't repeat itself. I am happy to be celebrating my year of posting, but I am sadden by what happen on that day. I want to thank all those who have taken time to stop by and leave such great commits. I hope that I am able to continue to share my free files with all who have taken time to visit.
With all my blesses, thank you all.

Here's a little something for all my visitors...


Hoping you enjoy this card. Made it specially to share with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blogoversary for Tuesday Mima fabulous card love the sewing machine Thankyou for sharing
    Anne xx
