Thursday, January 7, 2010

January Birthdays...

I had spent New Years with my family in Virginia. In the middle of our holiday celebration, we were moving her into her new home. Wow, it was a lot of work, specially trying to enjoy stay up to see the New Year Ball fall, after a full day of work.
It was so nice to see the kids unpacking their things in their new rooms. I was shocked how their mother was able to adorn and set up their Christmas tree with all the things that had to be unpacked. She's quite a Supermom. Thank God, that moving doesn't happen often.

We were really surprised, when they brought out a birthday cake for their Grandpa. The funny thing about it, was that they forgot to get candles, so they used their previous birthday candles, which were numbers six and eight.
So, Grandpa had a choice of being sixty-eight or eighty-six, LOL.
It was a great birthday surprise. I am enclosing some of the birthday pictures of the surprise birthday. His Birthday isn't till the 18th. but being that he was there and we won't be back till March. They wanted to do something nice for him.

Grandpa blows cake candles

Grandpa gets face full of cake

Cake face kiss

Kids finishing off their Grandpa.
We had a great celebration.

These are the Birthday cards that I created for my love ones having birthdays this month.

I hope that you can find someone to share them with.



Thank you for stopping by....

Feed my blog it hunger for comments, LOL


  1. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Car/Truck/Airplane,etc.. Theme post on Jan. 07, 2010. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Blog Cutting Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Jan [LA 03:00pm, NY 06:00pm, UK 11:00pm] - 08 Jan [OZ 10:00am]).

  3. glad you had a good time, even if it was a busy one, love all the stockings on the fire place

  4. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Blog Cutting Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Jan [LA 03:41am, NY 06:41am, UK 11:41am, OZ 10:41pm] ).

  5. MIMA!!!!It looks like
    everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a pretty good birthday too, too funny about the candles, but hey it works?!!!
