Friday, August 27, 2010

As the summer comes to an end.....

Wishing you all a happy and enjoyable Labor Day....

I am enclosing some of my cards and I hope that you enjoy them.
I am behind on my posting, and now unfortunately I have to travel
so I won't be posting for another week.
I am on my way to stay with my grands, while Mom goes
to a school orientation for my oldest granddaughter.
She's going to a gifted class this year.
We are so proud of her.


This is my version of Elvis, and I didn't add a title
to this card, but you can used for any occasion.


This card is for my Hubby's Son in Law (Jason)

He lives in Norman, OK, and is a big fan of the OK Sooners.


This dinosaur birthday card is great for Kids...


This tea cup card is good for a thank you card or invitations.


I am also starting my Halloween cards...

This one of a few, because I have lots so Grandchildren, LOL...

Once again, I'd like to thank all for stopping.

Please don't forget to feed my Blog... :)


  1. Hi Mima, I have left ypu a little something on my blog to say thanks for all your visits

  2. Really cute cards, Mima! You have such an awesome creative talent! Hugs and take care!
