Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Outing at the Ocean Breeze Water Park, Virginia Beach

On July the 4th, weekend, my daughter surprised us (Mom and Dad), with a family day at Ocean Breeze Water Park, at Virginia Beach. It was our first time their, and the kids, were looking forward to it. As we approach the Park, Standing tall at the entrance, your Greeted by Hugh Mongus, rumored to be cousin to King Kong, LOL.

We rented a Cabana, which came in handy, during the time it rained. Which didn’t last long? It had comfortable pool side sitting. Where, I spent sometime with the baby, and had a good spot to watch the big splash contest, plus was entertain by Hugh Mongus dancing .

Baby Cassy watching everyone at the wave pool…

You knew when the wave pool was going to start the waving, because they always played “We will rock you”,
It was one of the great attractions.


Hugh Mongus dancing and the waves rolling to the sound of, We will rock you, my daughter and grandson, were in the mix with everyone else. This was so cool watching everyone having fun.

This is Anna, our Cabana girl, taking our lunch order.
You can see that my little ones were getting ready for the pool, and eating wasn’t on their menu.

Waiting to go swimming was an endless wait.

My granddaughter loves to swim and right now, she’s feeling like a fish out of water.

The guys are looking over the menu, for something cold to order.

Hubby and grandson posing for this picture.

The best of all was the tubular Largo loop. We all enjoyed ourselves here.

Dad took his daughter for looping ride.

Wow! It's almost time to go and he hasn't had enough!

Dad takes the little dare devil next on the loop and she loved it.

How Bold!

Last of the rides, it time to depart until next year!!

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