Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

This month is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
Ovarian Cancer is one of the deadly of Women’s cancer. Each year, approximately 21,500 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. In 2008, approximately 15,500 women will die in the US from ovarian cancer. Many women don’t seek help, until the disease has begun to spread, but if detected at its earliest stage, the five year survival rate is more than 93%. Visit
-for more information on symptoms, etc.

I am, an ovarian cancer victim, and I am a survivor. My doctor told me that I was cancer free. It was a long and difficult battle for me, thank God, and my loving family, who gave me support. I was able to go on with my struggle. I received nine sessions of Chemo. Lost all of my hair, weight, appetite, feelings in the tip of my hands, feet, toes. It was a nightmare that was hard to wake up from. I was able to survive this affliction, and continue to do my best to regain my health. I feel fortunate to be here to enjoy life and my love ones. I was blessed with a new grandchild, and I thank God everyday for being able to enjoy her. So please, check yourself out and support Cancer awareness.

This picture was taken while I was undergoing my nine sessions of Chemo.

This is me, two years later with my new grandbaby Cassy and my other Granddaughter, Miss Leandra. I am blessed to be able to share this short story.


  1. Congratulations on being cancer free :) Hugs

  2. God bless you for sharing your story with others. And your grand children are soooo cute....take Mary in HK

  3. Im glad you are feeling better and your story gave me goose bumps. I think the best part was the last picture. Miss Leandra looks like a ham!
