Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Cassie!!!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Today is my youngest granddaughter's first birthday.

She's having a birthday cake at home with her family. Then on Thanksgiving, we will re-celebrate it, so that we (grandparents), will be able to participate in her first birthday celebration. I look forward to it, because I have never missed any of their first birthdays. I am making her a party hat and a corsage, to commemorate her, on her special day. When I get back from Virginia, I will post some pictures from this double celebration.

Cassie, has given the biggest gift of all! She's walking! Walking without holding on to anything.

Just that quick, she just got out there and did her own thing. I am so proud of her. Its the best gift that the family can receive.

I am enclosing this birthday card that I made. Even though, its not the original card that I sent Cassie, but I made this one just the same. The card that I decide to send Cassie, had copyright issues, so here is the runner up, LOL The card that I did send her was a Betty Boop card. I pick Betty, because Cassie has lots of cute curls in her hair, the chubby cheeks and the big eyes, just like Betty Boop.

I like to share this celebrations with all of you.

Here is a surprise gift in honor of Cassie's first birthday.

NO! It's not the cupcake, but a surpise gift. LOL

Sorry for not being available in the passed but its here now!!!



  1. Awww such a cutie she's gorgeous Happy 1st Birthday Cassie
    Thankyou for the gsd files

  2. She is so sweet! I love her crocheted hat with the flower on it. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous files.

  3. Thanks for all the free files! Can I ask what font you used for this. I get a big U and a c. Thanks,

  4. Karen, thanks you kind comments. As for the fonts. SF Balloon Thin-welded, the Happy Birthday on the card, I scanned and traced it from a card that I got some time back, when I only knew how to print and cut. I finally learn to create and trace, so I trace it and saved it until I found a place to use it, sorry. I have searched for that fonts but have had no luck. Isn't it gorgeous. The creator of the fonts is very talented. If I can find the name, I'd would purchase it. The fonts on the surpise gift is: 1 bean sprout DNA- welded. Thanks again. Mima~

  5. Hi Mima, thanks for all the super files you share so generously. I don't think the surprise file is doing what you want it to do - when I open the file it seems to contain a butterfly, the words Happy Birthday Cassie and then just a big letter U and a smaller letter C - are they supposed to be symbols from another font or something (I do have 1Beansprout DNA and it doesn't change the U or the C into anything else)??? If they are from another font, could you post what font it is as I obviously don't have that in my installed fonts(but it could be in my not installed ones and would just need to be temporarily installed for the card)? Little Cassie is just such a sweetiepie - you must be so proud.


  6. Sorry about the gift but I have replaced it with a Angel Dolls print and cut, hope that everyone will be able to get it. Sorry for this problem...
    I am also going to be share WPC files until I can replace my cutter, Wishblade-blue, won't support Vista platform. :(
