Thursday, December 18, 2008

He's not the real Santa!!!

My Daughter Doria, took her gang to see Santa Claus. The girls enjoyed seeing Santa, and having their pictures taken and recieve gifts. Now, my little man, grandson (Elias), has a different view of Santa, then the Girls. He was happy to get his gift, but when it was time for his picture, all I saw was a blur. I called my Daughter right away, and said, What happen to my little man's picture. Well, Mom said, when his time came, he sat quickly and as soon as Santa handed him his gift, he was up and running. Why? Well, he told his mom, that Santa wasn't the real Santa. That's why he didn't want his picture taken. Now, you figure, why he was willing to take the gift, but doesn't want to acknowledge Santa. His mom, told him, that he was a helper, because Santa has lots of children to visit. He replied to his mom, well thats ok, but I am still not going to retake the picture. He's seven years old and has an old soul. I guess he's starting to figure out the there isn't a real Santa.The things that children do and say always amazes me. Here I am waiting for my Santa's picture, and all I am going to place this year in my scrapbook is Flash Gordon, LOL I will enclose his picture, so you can see how quickly he leap off Santa lap. LOL I wonder what he'll say someday, when he looks back at this picture.

My Little man (Elias). His visit with Santa.

Faster than a speeding Bullet, but I love him just the same.

I wouldn't change him for the world.

This is Princess Ariana,

this is the second year that she takes her picture with Santa.

She use to be afraid of Santa but not any more. She's growing up.

Here's Miss Leandra, she's getting big and enjoys Christmas and all its trimmings.

Her new thing is singing. She says she's not Leandra but Mariah Carrie. LOL She wants a guitar for Christmas, so braces yourselves, Mom and Dad. Miss Leandra sees star quality in her future.

Here is Baby Cassie, who is shock by the man with the white bread.

I think if she could jump down, she would have.

Here's a Christmas ornament card that I made for last minute mailing.

ornament_card WPC format
ornament_card GSD format
ornament_card DXF format
Hoping that everyone has finish with Christmas shopping.
I thought that I was finish with my mailing but I was wrong, I always tend to forget someone or another. My bad, but I will get them out before its to late.
Off to mail my cards.

Have a jolly, jolly Christmas!
One more week for the big Day!


  1. What cute g-children! Would like to leave you a big THANKS for your beautiful WPC files. Way generous.

  2. Elias is a smart little man, Mima. My oldest, now 6, knows that the mall Santa is just a helper, but still gladly tells him what she wants for Christmas. Thanks for the files. You are the best! :o)
