Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lost and Found!!!

You can loose one thing and in the process find another. I know that I have mentioned this several times, and that is that I lost my Wishblade cutter. In the meantime, I found a true friend. I was checking my email, last night. To my surprise, I found that Lisa, from Risaleene Creations had emailed me, my cut out file of Sleigh Bells Ring in GSD format. so that I can share it with all of you that visit my blog. Now, how cool is that! I can't beleive with all that she has going on, has taken time out to cut, and convert my files for posting. I wish that I lived close to her, so that I can give her a big HUG. I never thought that I could find a good friend over the internet. We met under the weird circumstanses, and it was the begining of a great friendship. Well, my point is this. I'd like for those of you who read this, to give Lisa a big shout out, for her kindness. People like this are few. Lisa, I like to be the first to give you a Big Shout Out, my thanks and a special long distance hug. I can't stop thanking her enough, so the second best thing is blogging about it. Thanks for stop by... Enjoy these files.....

GSD format


WPC format


DFX format


This card was done with the negative cut out parts from the ornaments. Thought that it look nice enough to use for another card.


  1. Your giving me chills and I started to cry.

    Love you too.....

  2. Hi there,as usual great files. Thot you might want to know the rocking horse file says that the link is not good??

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. I am so new to this blogging.

  3. Mima, I had the opportunity to meet Lisa today and she IS so sweet and a lovely person. If you are ever in Michigan, you definitely need to look her up! Thank you for the files (I didn't get an error message for the horse). :o)
