Monday, December 8, 2008

Out of the mouth of Babes!!!

Almost like a ritual, my daughter, Doria and I speak on the phone every weekend. This weekend end, while we were making our plans for Christmas. She stops to say to the kids; you guys need to stop before someone gets hurt. Well, I asked her; Whats going on? She says that my eldest granddaughter is lay on the rug and my little man (my grandson) has antlers on his head, that they made at a Christmas fair. Anyway, he runs over her as she lays on the rug. He said to his mom that their playing, Grandma got run over by a reindeer. That was so funny to hear that, at that moment. The things that children do and say, sometime is unbelievable. I thought that I would share this with you, because I found it funny. I also, am placing this reindeer die cut. Hope that you can use it. Thanks for stopping by my stomping grounds.


1 comment:

  1. Kids definitely work their magic to make us laugh, don't they? That is funny. Thank you for the reindeer file.
