Thursday, January 22, 2009

I love You!

Felix, the love of my life...
After Twenty-eight years with Felix, I must confess, I am still in Love with him. Know matter what, we've been able to keep the relationship strong. I would have never thought that time would have gone by so quickly, but it has. It feels like we just met the other day. We both have change some what with time but it hasn't made much of a difference in our love. He's still gentle, thoughtful and affectionate. Always has my best interest at hand. Always tries to surprise me, with things that tend to make him always win me over. I grown to be, not only his wife but his friend. We always support each other, specially at time of need. When I was ill with Cancer, he was so supportive and never once showed his pain or sorrow. I know that it was the hardest thing for him to endure, but he made me strong and gave me that push, when I couldn't go on. These are the things that have kept our relationship strong. I try to give him the same support, specially now, that he's also has some health issues.

Well this is for my loving soulmate, te Amo mi Corazon, Mima
I made this card for the love of my live, Felix

lovers_silo_card WPC format

lovers_silo_card DXF format

lovers_silo_card GDS format

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