Friday, January 16, 2009

Ta! Rah!

Ta! Rah! While visiting my daughter and her family during the Christmas holidays, one of my loving granddaughters, who else, but Miss Leandra. Said to me, Grandma Anna, please don’t call me Miss Leandra any more, Call me Miss Cutie Pie. LOL Then, as she smile, she said; I have a trick for you! I replied, Well, show me! She quickly disappeared into the kitchen, and returned with a spoon. She then, hung the spoon off the tip of her nose spreading her arms in a horizontal fashion, and proudly said TA! RAH! That was the cutest thing yet. So, I told Miss Leandra, that she has earned her new name, Miss Cutie Pie, LOL I want you to see Miss Cutie Pie in action.


These are the love of my life, and this is just one of the stories that have earned me, my title Grandma. They are my inspirations to some of my creations. They love getting my cards in the mail. The first notch on my Grandma belt, was my little man, Elias. He is a computer geek, and has been involved in computer since he could speak. I fell in love with the fact that I would finally be a grandmother, and the glow came when he called me grandma. This is a special and different kind of love that only Grandmothers understand. It’s so intoxicating and I would never want to detox from.
My first grandma's love,
was my little man...

My second notch is the Princess.
Princess Ariana, another love of my life. She’s the story teller. Loves to tell stories and sing.

She’s waiting to be discovered, LOL

The last and finally notch is Baby Cassie.

Baby Cassie is Baby Cassie,

She tries hard to keep up with the rest of her siblings, and so far she's doing great.
Your got to love them.

That's way I love being Grandma, LOL

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