Friday, February 13, 2009

Kilroy was here!!

I found this Kilroy dings and it reminded me, when I was a litte girl, how I would see these icon, painted, scratched or penciled everywhere. Then, later in life, as I got older I found out that there were a stories about Kilroy was here!
I decided to make a Kilroy Birthday card for my brother in law for the laugh, As I posted the card, I got curious about finding out, the real reason for the Kilroy legend, so I googled. Yes, I googled, and this is the results. Please take a minute to check it out. I got a very interesting result. The legend was endless....LOL
So, check it out! Specially those who don't know the Kilroy was here, legend.
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There are so many legends about kilroy, now, which one is the original legend.


  1. Thank you for the bday file. I was needing one in a week. This will be perfect.

  2. Mima I have left you an award over on my blog

  3. What a creative idea for a card. Thanks for sharing!
