Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank you award

I have another award Thank you Anne
Blogging Support thank you Award.
This award is my way of saying thank you, to blogging friends and sisters, who take the time to read my blog and also to leave their comments.

All that is asked of them is that they pass it on to a few blogging friends of their own as a way of saying thank you for the support that has been given them.

Lisa, Joanna, Jeanette


  1. Thanks so much, You and your blog are wonderful. I love how you are so giving and I love to see little updates on your grandkids.. I dont have any yet... so I live thru others.. LOL.. Keep on keepin on.

    Hugs, Jeanette

  2. Thank you, Mima! I really appreciate receiving the award and have passed it on to a few of my regular commenters. Like, Jeanette, I too love your blog and how giving you are. You have a great talent and are willing to share it! Many hugs and love to you and those precious grandbabies.
