Monday, March 9, 2009

Award Day!


Ariana with her certificate and backpack,

accompanied by her proud Dad

My Granddaughter, Ariana, received an award at her school on Friday, March 6, 2009. She received a certificated for trustworthiness and a backpack. She was so happy, and we were so proud. It's the first time, she receive any recognition at school. Ariana is in kindergarten and she's doing very well. When she started school, she had a speech problem. There were some letters and words, that she had problems pronouncing. She had to do tongue excrises in the mirror. Now, she's been speaking much clearer. She's also out grown the shyness that accompanied by the problem. That's why we are so proud of her. She's come a long way in such a short time. I must say that I am blessed to have these children in my life. I count my blessings for all twelve of them. They make me struggle to live, because there isn't anything sweeter than hearing the tender voices of them saying Grandma. I feel so proud to be able to share these few lines with you all. :)
Congrats Ariana... love you, Grandma and Grandpa

Ariana show off her certificate...

Ariana receiving her certificate...

I am also enclose the GSD file for the butterfly Birthday card.

HBD_Butterfly_card GSD zip format


  1. How lovely I bet you are all so proud of her,
    Well done Ariana

  2. Great job, Ariana! And congratulations to the wonderful parents and grandparents ;o)

  3. Mima you are indeed blessed to have such a wonderful family and such a beautiful granddaughter!!!
