Thursday, March 5, 2009

Easter is coming...

Easter is the most colorful and blessed time of year. With its lovely pinks, yellows, light greens, light blues, and its endless beauty of colors. I love watching children in their outfits, egg hunting with the well decorated baskets. Its the awakening of spring in a very blessed way. Lets not leave out the triditional Easter Parade, here in the heart of New York City.

The Easter Parade along Fifth Avenue from 49th to 57th Streets is a wonderful celebration of strolling in Easter finery. Bonnets are taken to an extreme that only New Yorkers can reach; also expect to see live bunnies, pet snakes, flowers, clowns, and much more. The street is closed to traffic for parade participants and people watchers from roughly 10am until 4pm.
Stop off at this link and see Late years fabulous bonnets. I am sure you'll enjoy this little show of Easter Bonnets.

Here are a few of my Easter Cards that I am starting for my Love ones. Hope that you can use them and get a head start, too.

Hoppy_Easter_bunny WPC zip format

Hoppy_Easter_bunny DXF zip format

Easter_bunny_card WPC zip format

Easter_bunny_card DXF zip format

Easter_Egg_card WPC zip format

Easter_Egg_card DXF zip format

Will have a few more...


  1. Love Love them. Where do you find the time to design such wonderful cards! I am glad I don't have to "pick" my fav...impossible task.

    I cut your gift card a couple of days. Thanks again.

  2. For Tonya, Your quite welcome. I am happy that you enjoy the cards. I am at home alot due to health issues. So, this is how I keep my mind occupied, so that I don't worry myself to an early grave. God has been good, so I have my grandchildren, children and love ones that I greet, so it keeps me going. Its not so costly,too. LOL. I have twelve grand with my hubby's gang. Thanks for your lovely comments. GB, Mima~

  3. Mima,

    I just wanted to drop a comment to you to tell you thank you so much for your support and your kind words you leave on my blog! My whole reason for making these backgrounds is to hopefully add a little joy and cheer to others. Thank you also for the tip you left for some of the ladies! That was wonderful! Thanks again! You make me smile!

    By the way... your creations are absolutely beautiful!!!
