Thursday, March 26, 2009

A new Award!!!

I received this award from Wendy of
and I want to thank her for including me in her Spreader of Love award list. I have had the opportunity to do one of her Challenges (#12), which, I had fun doing. I am so happy that she approved of my card, LOL. I hope this will be just a stepping stone to part take in other challenges. I also would like to take the time to Spread this love award to others, who also stop by to leave their comments.
Lisa Manderachia (who made all this possible), Joanne Bains, Anne, Tonya (who always stops by, but I could never find how to thank her) and all those who have left comments. I also want to thank those, who have help me.
Thanks Wendy!!!


  1. Thank you for the nice comments but please don't sell yourself short!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. Thank you, Mima! Hugs to you for being such a wonderful cyber friend and sharing your beautiful creations!
