Friday, May 15, 2009

Bridal shower coming up!!!

My nephew is taking a bride in August. I was invited to her bridal shower. So, this is the card that I made to accompany her gift. I had never made a bridal shower card before. So, I hope that I did the right thing. If anyone has any comments that would help with any errors that I may have made. I would be grateful and would take them into consideration. We learn from our mistakes. I wouldn't want to do the wrong thing. I have time to correct anything that I may have done wrong. Thanks for your help, if any.

This is the inside of the card.


This is the outside of the Bridal Shower card.


  1. I think it is cute, Mima. You did a great job! :o) Hope all is well!

  2. I think It is very unusal, It will stand out from all the others, It is a great twist to have the brollies as the main card rather than boring brides , She will love it Welldone Mima
