Saturday, May 30, 2009

I had a glorious time with my kids...

I went to visit my daughter and her family. I had a great time. A matter of fact it wasn't long enough. I took the grand kids a birthday cake and we had another birthday celebration. It was so great to see them, that I am going in July for a week, and I can't wait. My babies are all big and I am so proud of them all.
Anyway, I have a few more birthdays that are coming up, so I am sharing the card files with anyone who needs birthday cards.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mima how's you so glad you had a great time with your daughter & family hope they give you plenty of pampering while you were there the days seem to be so short now a weeks over before you know it it won't be long til your back with them
    Anne xx
