Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween cards...

These are the Halloween cards that I mentioned, I was going to post. Sorry, for the delay but I've been busy trying to catch up with birthday cards and Halloween costumes. My daughter has her hands filled with three sick babies. All the girls have the flu and that's been very time consuming for her. Thank God, its the flu and not the Swine flu. My little man, hasn't been afflicted with it, thank God. They got their school progress report, and he did really well. 4- A's, 2- B's, 1- Outstanding and the rest Satisfactory. His sister also did great, she got satisfactory across the board, Harray!
You guys are awesome....
I am so proud of them for working so hard.

These are two different version of this Trick o Treating Ghost Card.
This first card has a backing shaped like the trick o Treating Ghost.

The second trick o treating Ghost card is on a regular 5.50 X 4.25 card.


This is my Frankenstein card 4 this year.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoy these cards.


  1. These are lovely Mima, hope everyone get over their flu and you dont get it.
    the babes has his first cold and that is bad enough , he is very grumpy at the moment

  2. Thank you as always for your wonderful files. I just love your little ghost!

  3. Fabulous cards Mima love the ghost TFS Hope your Grandbairns recover soon bad enough when one is ill Congratulations to them on their results
    Take care
    Anne xx

  4. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Halloween post on Oct. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
