Wednesday, July 7, 2010

As I promised....

I said in my last post that I would leave a couple of cards before my trip.
Well, here they are...


This a birthday card with Happy Birthday placed on

the inside of the card.


You can change the number on the car to match

birth date or age.

Well, hope you enjoy these cards.


  1. Brilliant love the rosebud Mima & the sports car will come in handy must get round to using robo more it's just lying gathering dust have a good trip hope the weather cools a bit for you don't like it too hot i end up looking like a tomato
    catch you when you get back
    Hugs Anne xx

  2. I LOVE the sports car! Great job!

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Flowers post on Jul. 09, 2010. Thanks again.
