Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Halloween cards...

These Halloween cards are the final
cards that I created for my kids.
I hope that they are enjoyed by others.
This is the Halloween birthday card for my
cousin's granddaughter Zoie...

This is Zoie,

who is celebrating her second birthday,
which is on Halloween Day.
Have a Happy Halloween Birthday...

This is my final Halloween creation
hope that it is shared.

I created a Halloween window card.


This is a window card,
I decided to make this monster into

window card, its something different.

Hope you enjoy sharing this file. LOL

I created this card for my grand daugther


who is having a birthday in November.

This card is a little premature, but I am also

making another card. She loves Sponge Bob now,

so I am not sure right now on which one

I'm going to send her.

I will post her Sponge Bob card
as soon as I cut it.
I hope that I decide by then...

This is her Kai lan card.


I hope that these cards are enjoyed .

Well, Thank you for stopping by ...

Have a safe and Happy Halloween..


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Halloween post on Oct. 27, 2010. Thanks again.

  2. lovely designs mima, but even you cant top Zoie, what a little stunner she is, a lovely photo
