Monday, February 21, 2011

I've been tagged...

A very nice person Anne from , who I consider as a friend
as decided to give me a Liebster Blog Award,
and I am really pleased and proud of it.

There are a couple of conditions for accepting this award,
(which I have) you have been TAGGED & want to participate.
Then create a post where you POST the "LOVE BLOG" image.
You should also blog the person’s link that gave you the award
and inform her/him that you accept the award.
You can then choose 3-5 favorite blogs
which you also link to your post then each blogger
will inform you that they have been tagged.
The aim of this action is to bring unknown good blogs
to light so please do not blog fellow bloggers that
already have 3,000 followers.
These are my choices
Jennie from
Carol from
Flora from
Joanna from
Lisa from

1 comment:

  1. AWWW thanks so much Mima for thinking of me!!!
