Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stylish award....

In return for accepting this fabulous award
I now have to pass it on to 8 stylish bloggers,
who I love to visit, leave them
a comment and link them the award
back to the person who passed it to you.

Then I have to tell you 8 things about myself.
Its going to be a little difficult to choose
might have to come back,

I don't know how many have this award already.
I am late on this post.

Thank you, Anne from

these are my picks:
Joanna from

Jennie from

Lisa from

Carol from

Flora from

These are 8 things about myself
1.- I've been in a happy relationship for 31 yrs.
2.- I have a daughter, who gave me four grand kids
(which I adore)
3.- I am a Cancer Survivor for four yrs.
(a Blessing)
4.- I am a movie enthusiast (LOL)
5.- I also enjoy a good book ( mostly non-fiction)
6.- I enjoy crafting (card making, die cuts, etc.)
7.- Music is a part of my life, keeps me happy
8.- Friends- love all the friends I have met on line.

I want to thank those who part take in
this award passing.


  1. AHHHH it's always good to see what everyone says!!! Thanks again Mima!!!

  2. Thanks for being one of my best "customers." :)


  3. well done on this award, you deserve it

  4. Awww, thanks so much, Mima! I am sorry it took me a while to get here. We just got back from a fab vacation this week. I will be making a post about it a little later today on my blog if you would like to see some pictures. :o) Hugs to you and thanks again sweetie!
