Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 the year for change

Happy New Year from Mima's stomping grounds

Get those New Year Resolutions in gear and stick to them.
Its time for a change, from a new hair do, to a better government. Something has to give. Focus on saving for a rainy day, for they will be many. We can't let those glummy days get the better of us, from tightening belts to penny pinching, because of our economy. Just stick to those guns and steer yourself in the right direction. First and for most, stay on top of your health. Without it, your goals in life can become extremely difficult. Next take time out for yourself, even if you just pamper yourself it a soothing bubble bath. This alone can be very rewarding. If your stressed out, you are no good to anyone, specially yourself. This is very important, when you have others who depend on you. So, fist up and get your priorities in gear and have a happy and healthy
New Year.

New_Year_baby WPC format

New_Year_baby GSD format

New_Year_baby DXF format

Champagne_New_Year WPC format

Champagne_New_Year GSD format

Champagne_New_Year DXF format

Thursday, December 18, 2008

He's not the real Santa!!!

My Daughter Doria, took her gang to see Santa Claus. The girls enjoyed seeing Santa, and having their pictures taken and recieve gifts. Now, my little man, grandson (Elias), has a different view of Santa, then the Girls. He was happy to get his gift, but when it was time for his picture, all I saw was a blur. I called my Daughter right away, and said, What happen to my little man's picture. Well, Mom said, when his time came, he sat quickly and as soon as Santa handed him his gift, he was up and running. Why? Well, he told his mom, that Santa wasn't the real Santa. That's why he didn't want his picture taken. Now, you figure, why he was willing to take the gift, but doesn't want to acknowledge Santa. His mom, told him, that he was a helper, because Santa has lots of children to visit. He replied to his mom, well thats ok, but I am still not going to retake the picture. He's seven years old and has an old soul. I guess he's starting to figure out the there isn't a real Santa.The things that children do and say always amazes me. Here I am waiting for my Santa's picture, and all I am going to place this year in my scrapbook is Flash Gordon, LOL I will enclose his picture, so you can see how quickly he leap off Santa lap. LOL I wonder what he'll say someday, when he looks back at this picture.

My Little man (Elias). His visit with Santa.

Faster than a speeding Bullet, but I love him just the same.

I wouldn't change him for the world.

This is Princess Ariana,

this is the second year that she takes her picture with Santa.

She use to be afraid of Santa but not any more. She's growing up.

Here's Miss Leandra, she's getting big and enjoys Christmas and all its trimmings.

Her new thing is singing. She says she's not Leandra but Mariah Carrie. LOL She wants a guitar for Christmas, so braces yourselves, Mom and Dad. Miss Leandra sees star quality in her future.

Here is Baby Cassie, who is shock by the man with the white bread.

I think if she could jump down, she would have.

Here's a Christmas ornament card that I made for last minute mailing.

ornament_card WPC format
ornament_card GSD format
ornament_card DXF format
Hoping that everyone has finish with Christmas shopping.
I thought that I was finish with my mailing but I was wrong, I always tend to forget someone or another. My bad, but I will get them out before its to late.
Off to mail my cards.

Have a jolly, jolly Christmas!
One more week for the big Day!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Rush!!

As time ticks away, I am rushing to get my Christmas cards out on time. Hoping to get some much needed ideas. You can get but so many ideas before the BLOCK sets in. I always try to send out different cards, so that it doesn't seem like you pick up a box and just sent it out robotically. I like to be a little personal about these things, specially when you've been afflicted with cancer, and your friends and love ones have been very supportive. During this time of the season you want to express your appreciation. I am not trying to be mushie, about this just a little sugar coated. These are things that when you cross that bridge you never forget. So,
and back to being Merry!
I am looking forward to Christmas, because I am going to visit some of my grandchildren. I will be playing with their toys, during my visit and this is the part I enjoy. Heh! Heh! Heee! I still have a lot of childhood left in me. LOL OK! I know that there are a lot of you out there that identify with me. Or, you don't want to admit it, but its OK, to be open about it. Anyway, I've twisted your ear enough, so here are a few dings that I made into Christmas cards.

gift_box WPC format

gift_box DXF format

snowman globe WPC format

snowman_globe DXF format

snowman_globe GSD format

Mary_and_Josph WPC format

Mary_and_Josph DFX format

Mary_and_Josph GSD format

Holly_Christmas WPC format

Holly_Christmas DXF format

Feliz Navidad
Merry Christmas
It's the Most Wonderful
Time of the Year

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita. Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged."But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita. Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang....."Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Out of the mouth of Babes!!!

Almost like a ritual, my daughter, Doria and I speak on the phone every weekend. This weekend end, while we were making our plans for Christmas. She stops to say to the kids; you guys need to stop before someone gets hurt. Well, I asked her; Whats going on? She says that my eldest granddaughter is lay on the rug and my little man (my grandson) has antlers on his head, that they made at a Christmas fair. Anyway, he runs over her as she lays on the rug. He said to his mom that their playing, Grandma got run over by a reindeer. That was so funny to hear that, at that moment. The things that children do and say, sometime is unbelievable. I thought that I would share this with you, because I found it funny. I also, am placing this reindeer die cut. Hope that you can use it. Thanks for stopping by my stomping grounds.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Goodies!

Hola, Stompers thanks for stopping by. I had kindly ask you to give my good Internet friend a shout out. Well, Joanne from Bains' Bit, took it to the next level. She left me a message that she went to Visit Lisa from Risalenee Creations. She told me how a wonderful person she is. I am sure that she is. Like I said before, she's taken me under wing. I hope someday when I go up to Michigan to visit my daughter in law and the kids, that I too, will stop off and say hello to Lisa. What a wonderful visit that must have been. Anyway, I have done a few cards and this Angel wreath for my family and I wanted to share it with you . Enjoy!

The fonts in this wreath is 1 Beanspout DNA- which I got at Free site.

Angel_Wreath Wpc format

Angel_Wreath_ Dxf format

Angel_Wreath G
sd format

Reindeer boarder_Santa_Card Wpc format

Reindeerboarder_Santa_Card Dxf format

Reindeerboarder_Santa_Card Gsd format

Reindeer_tree_card Wpc format

Reindeer_tree_card Dxf format

Hope that everyone has finish with the Christmas shopping. Got to get my cards finish. If I do some new work, I'll be back.

Lost and Found!!!

You can loose one thing and in the process find another. I know that I have mentioned this several times, and that is that I lost my Wishblade cutter. In the meantime, I found a true friend. I was checking my email, last night. To my surprise, I found that Lisa, from Risaleene Creations had emailed me, my cut out file of Sleigh Bells Ring in GSD format. so that I can share it with all of you that visit my blog. Now, how cool is that! I can't beleive with all that she has going on, has taken time out to cut, and convert my files for posting. I wish that I lived close to her, so that I can give her a big HUG. I never thought that I could find a good friend over the internet. We met under the weird circumstanses, and it was the begining of a great friendship. Well, my point is this. I'd like for those of you who read this, to give Lisa a big shout out, for her kindness. People like this are few. Lisa, I like to be the first to give you a Big Shout Out, my thanks and a special long distance hug. I can't stop thanking her enough, so the second best thing is blogging about it. Thanks for stop by... Enjoy these files.....

GSD format


WPC format


DFX format


This card was done with the negative cut out parts from the ornaments. Thought that it look nice enough to use for another card.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is upon us!!!

As Christmas get Closer, we rush to get those gifts and Christmas cards out on time. With twelve grandchildren, its going to be very exhausting, trying to get their Christmas gift mail out on time. I took advantage of Cyber Monday, and got out as much as possible, even though lots of things were already sold out. Its hard to believe that our country is in a financial bind, and toy sales are off the hook, like they say. I usually, shop early but this year with my car in the repair shop, after it was hit over night, by a city taxi. Yup! A hit and run, with no remorse for us in anyway. With very little to go on, we are facing a large car deductable. So, I wasn't able to take advantage of Black Friday. I hope that I am able to find some toys, when we get our car in a few days.

I was asking my grandson, my Little man (Elias), what he wanted me to put on our Christmas list. He asked, Grandma, are you going to buy it? I quickly reply, no just sending their Christmas lists to the North Pole. Next he asked, is Santa going to buy it? NO! I replied, the Elves are making toys for all the good children. So, if that's so, he said, as gave me a humongous list, that would keep the Elves busy for another year. These are the things I want, because he said that been good. The things that come out of Children mouth, unbelievable. I am trying to keep him and the others, believing in Santa, but he's starting to ask questions on how Christmas gifts come about. I believe that soon, he'll figure out, if hasn't already, that its all commercialized, even though, he knows that Christmas is not only for gift giving, but the birth of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Christmas isn't like, when I was coming up. Everything is commercialized and not religious. Specially, with all the advertising, even on the cartoon channels, they seem to take out the mystery of Santa and Christmas. Children aren't in the dark, like we were. I hope that I can keep up the legacy of Santa and his reindeer's a few more years.
I was able to make some holiday cards, and I will post them, as I cut them. I hope that some of you can benefit from them on WPC or Dxf platform.

Well, twenty two Shopping days before Christmas. Have fun! LOL





I want to Thank Lisa from Risalenee Creations for Cutting out this GSD file for me to post on this blog. She's been an awesome friend and tutor. Thank you, Thank you, Lisa..

Monday, December 1, 2008

Aids Awareness

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Aids Awareness

According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.2 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2007, some 2.5 million people became newly infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are 35.

World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.

World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education.

Please, Please educate and don't discriminate.

Blessing go out to those who are inflicted with is virus, and those who have lost love ones.

God bless the World...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can't let them go to waste, Right!

Dearest Cutters, I am posting my files that I had prepared for my Christmas scrapbooks and Christmas cards. Now, that I can not cut them, I still am will to share them. Sorry, if there is anything wrong, please forgive me. I would like it very much for those who do cut them, please let me know, how they turn out for you. I did them with my loving grandchildren in mind.

So, enjoy them if you can.

GSD format

WPC format file


I was trying to get them cut by converting the files to WPC, but My Vista is not being friendly at the moment. She thinks she's high maintenance, and has a 86 bits format. I can't even convert with the Vista download. Which I found is for 64 bit Vista format. I should have left her at the store. I am willing to be forgiving and hope to acquire the right format, if there is one out there. So, I don't have a choice but to post DFX, until I get a new GSD cutter. Also my new cuts will only be able to be shared by the Craft Robo cutters. I am sorry about this mess. In the mean time, I will continue searching, because I have a lots of work that is just existing in my computer. So, if anyone out there, who knows of any programs that can help, I would really appreciate it. :(



Well, Cutters I will post some more later on this blog, need to that a break.
Hoping you will stop by again.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Left overs and its not turkey!!!

Hoping that everyone had a Happy Thanksgivng. As for myself , it was good, even though I must admit that it wasn't sugar plums dancing in my head, but a way to be able to share these files with all. I must Thank Lisa, from Risalenee creations, for helping me post my GSD file, after she converted it for me from a Dfx file. She was able to open my Dfx, though Craft Robo. It works!For those of you who have Craft Robo and the Wishblade Create and Cut version, it will open this file as well.
In the mean time, a have a few GSD files, that I didn't get a chance to test cut, but I am willing to share them. Now here are few GSD files, that I didn't get a chance to post, when I upgraded to Vista.



Hoping and thankful for all those who have support me and my blog. Hope you enjoy these cards. I will try to continue to post my work if its possible.