Glitter Text Maker

creations at the stomping grounds

Welcome to my Stomping Grounds
Do to lack of space, I had to remove some of the Freebies on my blog. If there is any file you are interested in, just email me and I will send it to you. I have WPC formats, DXF formats and some GSD formats. View my Gallery and see what you like and I will try to send them to you. Enjoy my Gallery. Thank you for visiting, Mima
My email is

Monday, December 8, 2008

Out of the mouth of Babes!!!

Almost like a ritual, my daughter, Doria and I speak on the phone every weekend. This weekend end, while we were making our plans for Christmas. She stops to say to the kids; you guys need to stop before someone gets hurt. Well, I asked her; Whats going on? She says that my eldest granddaughter is lay on the rug and my little man (my grandson) has antlers on his head, that they made at a Christmas fair. Anyway, he runs over her as she lays on the rug. He said to his mom that their playing, Grandma got run over by a reindeer. That was so funny to hear that, at that moment. The things that children do and say, sometime is unbelievable. I thought that I would share this with you, because I found it funny. I also, am placing this reindeer die cut. Hope that you can use it. Thanks for stopping by my stomping grounds.



Joanna said...

Kids definitely work their magic to make us laugh, don't they? That is funny. Thank you for the reindeer file.